Certain industries will pay its employees more than other industries, depending on how much money companies are making and how in-demand its employees are. Manufacturing, with its large amounts of revenue and a need for a younger workforce, pays better than most.

How much does it cost for a young person to live in Hartford?
Monthly budget sources: expatistan, numbeo.com
Average rent for a one-bedroom apartment outside a city center: $967
Groceries: $425
Utilities (electric, gas, heat, water, garbage): $151
Internet: $63
Public Transportation: $63
Gym membership: $28
Entertainment (2-3 meals out and 2-3 movies/sporting events): $180
Total monthly expenses: $1,877
How much does it cost for a young person to live in New Haven?
Monthly budget sources: expatistan, numbeo.com
Average rent for a one-bedroom apartment outside a city center: $1,177
Groceries: $423
Utilities (electric, gas, heat, water, garbage): $150
Internet: $55
Public Transportation: $65
Gym membership: $35
Entertainment (2-3 meals out and 2-3 movies/sporting events): $170
Total monthly expenses: $2,075
How much do Connecticut manufacturing jobs pay?
Source: Connecticut Department of Labor
Education needed: High-school diploma
Median annual salary: $34,848
Monthly earnings (before taxes): $2,904
Machinery mechanic
Education needed: High-school diploma and a year of on-the-job training
Median annual salary: $62,121
Monthly earnings (before taxes): $5,177
Education needed: Associate’s degree
Median annual salary: $52,430
Monthly earnings (before taxes): $4,369
Purchasing agent
Education needed: Bachelor’s degree
Median annual salary: $71,978
Monthly earnings (before taxes): $5,998
Industrial production manager
Education needed: An associate’s or bachelor’s degree with several years of on-the-job experience
Median annual salary: $132,325
Monthly earnings (before taxes): $11,027

What about non-manufacturing jobs in Connecticut?
Source: Connecticut Department of Labor
Education needed: High-school diploma
Median annual salary: $27,835
Monthly earnings (before taxes): $2,320
Pharmacy technician
Education needed: High-school diploma and a year of on-the-job training
Median annual salary: $35,131
Monthly earnings (before taxes): $2,928
Medical assistant
Education needed: Associate’s degree
Median annual salary: $39,581
Monthly earnings (before taxes): $3,298
Correctional officer
Education needed: Typically a bachelor’s degree
Median annual salary: $56,166
Monthly earnings (before taxes): $4,681
Sales representative
Education needed: Bachelor’s degree and higher-paying jobs require more experience
Median annual salary: $72,847
Monthly earnings (before taxes): $6,071