People and culture to be proud of
This September marked the beginning of my fifteenth year working at Hancock Lumber. After graduating from Amherst College, I found myself with an unexpected, but exciting opportunity to join Team Hancock. Growing up in the Lake Region area, I knew the Hancock family and their local business (having had many sports teams sponsored by Hancock Lumber and the privilege of Kevin Hancock coaching my seventh and eighth grade basketball teams) — but, I never imagined building my career at a “lumber company” back home in Maine. The short story is — I did — and, I’ve never looked back.
“Culture exists whether you decide to work on it or not—it’s the sum of every part of your company. Hancock’s people and culture–what goes on here day to day–is really special, and something we’re all really proud of.”
As our Marketing + Communications Director, I’ve had the honor of interviewing dozens of our employees. So many people tell a similar story to mine, having accidentally landed at Hancock Lumber, but quickly realized the opportunity to embrace the culture and build a meaningful career.

Erin Plummer, Vice President, Marketing + Communications Director, Hancock Lumber
A seventh generation, family-owned, integrated forest products company, Hancock began their legacy in 1848 by purchasing a 400-acre timber stand in Casco where manufacturing was an integral part of the business, using steam-engine-powered portable mills. Today, manufacturing remains a cornerstone of what we do with our three eastern white pine sawmills, and truss and wall panel manufacturing facilities.
We believe being a part of Team Hancock means taking pride in doing the right thing for our teammates, our customers, and our communities. Hancock Lumber employs people who are excited about delivering world-class products and services to our customers, interested in continuous improvement, and respect a culture of safety, engagement, and innovation.
Take a chance on Hancock Lumber and explore a career opportunity. I promise you won’t be disappointed.
Erin Plummer
Vice President, Marketing + Communications Director, Hancock Lumber