Tom Lamontagne, Element Machine Tools LLC

Tom Lamontagne, President/Chief Engineer at Element Machine Tools LLC, has been with the company for 2.5 years.
Tom Lamontagne worked for some great manufacturing companies after he graduated from the University of Maine with a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering in 2006. Those jobs in Maine and New Hampshire expanded his skills in manufacturing engineering and product design and development.
But he became increasingly frustrated with the manufacturing equipment that was available. That frustration led to the birth of Element Machine Tools two and a half years ago.
Lamontagne is co-founder, president and chief engineer.
“I love it,” he says. “I love working with manufacturers, especially smaller ones in New England, especially Maine and New Hampshire, and helping them produce their products in the best way possible.
“I thrive on the challenge of finding a solution to problems that others say are impossible.”
Besides his work with Element, Lamontagne is on the advisory committee for precision manufacturing at the Portland Arts and Technology High School, where he’s worked with students to create a CNC training controller for students.
Lamontagne hopes to build Element into a successful and sustainable business, “helping as many local and other manufactures on the way as possible.”
“I thrive on the challenge of finding a solution to problems that others say are impossible.”
— Tom Lamontagne
President/chief engineer, Element Machine Tools LLC
He still learns something new every day. “It’s the only way to stay current and have any hope of moving ahead in this faced-paced world. Starting out, I never thought this is what I would be doing, but here we are, designing and building manufacturing equipment.”
He says he’d tell young people starting today to never ever pass an open door.
“Every opportunity is worth a discussion,” he says. “And never accept failure as a result. If something doesn’t work out, it is a lesson in how not to do something. With that mentality you can never fail, and will find unlikely solutions to problems you never thought you could solve.” ■